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Einzelposting: Maria-sama ga Miteru - Manga bei Tokyopop! 2006!

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_119111/-1/11687760818062/

Von:    cuby 14.01.2007 13:05
Betreff: Maria-sama ga Miteru - Manga bei Tokyopo... [Antworten]
Ich hab mal zufällig gefunden, wie Novels und Anime chronologisch zusammengehören ;-)
Eigentlich nicht weiter von Bedeutung, aber die haben die Neujahrsepisode (haru 1) erst in der 2. Staffel, die spielt aber vor dem Valentinstag.
Die Zahl in Klammern gibt die Episode im Anime an...

Novel 1 - 1 --- The troubling soeur declaration (1)
Novel 1 - 2 --- The awkward piano duet (2)
Novel 1 - 3 --- The moon and the rosary (3)

Novel 2 - 1 --- Yellow rose revolution (4)
Novel 2 - 2 --- The battling maidens (5)

Novel 3 - 1 --- The forrest of thorns (10)
Novel 3 - 1 --- White petal (11)

Novel 4 - 1 --- Rosa canina (6)
Novel 4 - 2 --- The long night (haru 1)

Novel 5 - 1 --- The surprising chocolates - part 1 (7)
Novel 5 - 2 --- The surprising chocolates - part 2 (8)

Novel 6 - 1 --- The red card (9)
Novel 6 - 2 --- First date triangle (12)
Novel 6 - 3 --- Good day, onee-sama (13 Final)

Novel 7 - 1 --- The precipitate yellow rose (haru 2)
Novel 7 - 2 --- An extremely busy day (haru 3)

Novel 8 - 1 --- Will (haru 4)
Novel 8 - 2 --- When years pass by (haru 5)
Novel 8 - 3 --- Hold one of my hands (haru 6)

Novel 9 - 1 --- Chery blossom (haru 7)
Novel 9 - 2 --- The cherry blossom tree amongst the ginkgos (haru 8)

Novel 10 - 1 --- The drops of the rosary (haru 9)
Novel 10 - 2 --- Yellow rose admonition (haru 10)
Novel 10 - 3 --- Rainy blue (haru 11)

Novel 11 - 1 --- The blue umbrella (haru 12)
Novel 11 - 2 --- Holding a parasol (haru 13 Final)

Die 3rd season OVA müsste dann mit Novel 12 beginnen. (würde zum Cover passen ^^)

Rettet dem Dativ! Nieder mit den Akkusativ! ;-)
Zuletzt geändert: 04.02.2007 01:42:57

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